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The Post-doctoral Workstation of XCCG in the Autonomous Region (the Innovation P

Data:2017-06-28 18:24:57 Hit:Time
      On June 5, 2017, the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region announced the examination and evaluation results of the postdoctoral innovation practice bases, of which the establishment in the Autonomous Region was approved in 2013, for the year of 2017. The postdoctoral workstation (innovation practice base) of XCCG achieved satisfactory results in examination and evaluation. This examination and evaluation of postdoctoral innovation practice bases in the Autonomous Region involved 15 organizations where bases are installed, and the results were classified into 4 grades, i.e. excellent, satisfactory, qualified and disqualified. The postdoctoral innovation practice bases examined and evaluated this time include 2 excellent bases, 4 satisfactory bases, 3 qualified bases and 6 disqualified bases. In 2013, the local government approved the establishment of a post-doctoral workstation (innovation practice base) of XCCG in the Autonomous Region. The postdoctoral innovation practice base is a provincial-level postdoctoral working platform where colleges and universities, scientific research institutions as well as enterprises and public institutions jointly cultivate and employ high-level technological and managerial personnel to promote the combination of enterprises, colleges and universities as well as research institutions. Since its establishment, XCCG postdoctoral workstation of XCCG has cultivated Doctor Li Peng and Doctor Yang Zhengxun in collaboration with Chang’an University and Harbin Institute of Technology. Doctor Li Peng conducted research on recycling high polymers (waste mulching films and drip tubes and plastic pipes) as substitutional raw materials; the main researching project of Doctor Yang Zhengxun was the application and research of geopolymers in road base courses in cold highland areas. This research has provided theoretical support for the development of the highway industry and allowed the achievement of certain economic benefits. These satisfactory evaluation results affirmed the work since the establishment of the postdoctoral innovation practice base in 2013. Over the past 4 years, XCCG has been committed to the construction of the highways in Xinjiang and the development of new road materials. In addition, postdoctoral employees have been particularly dedicated to the cutting-edge research subjects, proactive in innovation and attentive in development, laying a solid technical foundation for the development of XCCG traffic science and technology. In spite of the satisfactory evaluation results obtained, we still have room for improvement. In the future, our postdoctoral innovation practice base will make stricter demands on itself, exert greater efforts on research projects, make breakthrough in major technologies and contribute its strength to the progress of the traffic industry. It will strive for excellent results in examination and evaluation next year.
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