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Research on and Application of New Grouting Materials in Reinforcing Large-sized

Data:2015-04-24 17:05:11 Hit: Time
    Current grouting technology faces a trade-off between groutability and controllability of slurries, particularly where large areas are to be grouted, leading to a significant material wastage due to imprecise control over diffusion range and strata. However, grouting is imperative during the subway shield tunneling of sandy cobble stratum. Due to the lack of fine aggregates among the artificially backfilled gravels, the overall strength of the gravel stratum is reduced and collapse of soil mass can be triggered by unbalanced soil pressure during shield tunneling. Using conventional grouting methods, high-volume grouting faces difficulty in precisely controlling the diffusion range and position. SJP cement grout allows dramatic reduction in production costs, resource savings, significant shortening of construction periods and safety improvements during shield tunneling. Contributing to the precise control over diffusion range and grouting position, guaranteeing construction safety, and supporting later and sustainable applications, it yields improvements in construction contractors' convenience, reducing project losses due to factors such as collapse and top building inclination. The implementation of this project will generate tremendous economic and social benefits.
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